

Mentoring Program & Support Services

“The Damon Cogdell Foundation’s mentoring program is structured around its overarching goal which is to provide at-risk youth with the tools and skillsets to establish life goals and leave them with hope and the ability to dream of having a rewarding future along with becoming productive citizens in their communities.”

Our mentoring program offers a portfolio of mentoring and support services that are tailored to satisfy stakeholders in the public school system, local government entities, and local communities as well as influenced by clients in the targeted youth population. With a focus on helping the most vulnerable youth, services are designed and delivered by a myriad of professionals with backgrounds in mentoring, teaching, specialized training, and business acumen with the experience to coach youth in establishing plans for a path forward in life, including high school graduation, career progression, and adulthood preparation.

Mentoring & support services include but are not limited to:

Group Services:

  • Call To Manhood (male youth)
  • Conversations with Our Daughters (female youth)
  • Making A Difference (co-ed)

Individual Services:

  • Academic Tracking
  • Scholarship Assistance
  • Tutoring
  • Counseling

Our mentoring program’s group and individual services form the basis for planning and establishing topics for a targeted youth population.  Here are examples of the kind of topics that can be incorporated based on the mentoring and support service(s) you select:

  • Goal Setting
  • Communication Skills
  • Positive Thoughts
  • Behavioral Coping Skills
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Educational Goals
  • Doing for Others
  • Thankful to Special People
  • Etiquette
  • Saying ‘No’ to Bullying
  • What Leadership Means
  • What Mentoring Means
  • Fun With Words
  • Employment Readiness
  • Celebrations (culture, events)
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Empowerment
mentoring programs

Coming Soon

Youth Sports and Fitness Program

The Damon Cogdell Foundation will offer “Youth Sports & Fitness Camps which will include Sports Conditioning Training and Teen Boot Camp.

Sports Conditioning Training

The Damon Cogdell Foundation recognizes that sports conditioning in our children plays an important role in developing healthy bodies, strong minds, and building character. Youth participating in contact sports such as basketball, football or volleyball has a greater chance of being injured than someone who plays tennis. Taking part in an exercise program may include anything from weight training to running.

Youth Boot Camp

Small group exercise and fitness training sessions with fun-style circuit fitness training designed to increase body-tone, concentration, self-esteem, and confidence. It will be indoor/outdoor interval physical activities combining cardio and strength training in a non-competitive environment. Boot Camp will be challenging by offering consistent and positive motivational support.

We are here to support you!

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