Damon Cogdell Foundation

We provide the tools necessary for our youth to develop the skills needed to establish life goals,
promote independence, and self-sufficiency that will lead to productive lives
within their communities and society as a whole.

About The Foundation

The Damon Cogdell Foundation believes that mentoring is all about selfless caring. Mentoring is an ongoing well-thought-out relationship between trusted and trusting individuals who grow and develop in a holistic partnership that includes emotional, social, spiritual, physical, and academic areas.

Our Mission

To become a beacon of hope for ‘at risk’ youth by establishing genuine relationships through successful role models that will mentor, guide, and support them.

Our Vision

To significantly contribute to nurturing youth in development of character and life skills to alleviate their most prevalent societal problems and leading them to become productive in their community.

Who We Are

Our focus is to change vulnerable youth from the inside to help them dream, establish life goals, and become productive in their communities.

Our Leaders

Any organization’s success stems from the skills, commitment, and vision of the individuals who oversee it.


Our Programs

The Foundation’s mentoring program and services are designed to meet the needs of at-risk middle and high school students.

Our Locations

Our commitment is to reach at-risk youth wherever they are. However, we believe that outreach to the public school system and local communities is the most practical approach.

Let’s create a brighter future for our youth!

Program Highlights


Discover their gifts, talents, and passions.
Build self-esteem and character.
Deal with personal pains and life struggles.
Determine short and long-term
& educational goals.
Become effective problem
More to come
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